[My Testimony on Intermediate School Application] by Aimee Chen
[數算主恩 – 沒說出口的那些、 祢都知道(下)]By 陳語涵(媽媽中譯)
Late 2020:
“What intermediate are you going to?” – was the common question everyone asked towards the end of last year since the Year 6’s were graduating soon.
Everyone asked everyone: their friends, the other Year 6’s, the Year 5’s and then one day they came to ask me: “what intermediate will you be going to?”
“XX Intermediate School,” I said confidently.
“Great!” They said happily and then they skipped off to ask the next person.
“Are you really going to XX? Asked one of my Year 6 friends who had overheard me talking to the other Year 6’s about intermediate.
“Um… yes…” I said. “But that’s only if I make it through the ballot which is drawn for kids who live out of the school zone.”
I was never really worried that I wouldn’t make it through the ballot so I didnt think about it that much. I was pretty confident that I was going to get in.
Sunday at church:
“Which intermediate school will you be going to?” – a grandma asked me at church.
“XX – that’s the one in XX but only if I make it through the ballot.” I said.
“Well, then you should pray to God that you make it through the ballot.” the grandma said.
“Thank you. I will.
” I said.

So from then on every night I prayed to God that I will successfully make it through the ballot.
所以我每天晚上都禱告、求 神保守我能進入我想要進去的中學。最好的同學也要上那所中學。
8th of September:
“Aimee the XX ballot is being drawn today,” said Mum.
“Okay, I hope I get in.” I said casually.
“喔好,希望我能抽中” 我沒有太擔心的回答
11th September Lunchtime:
I was happily sipping my bubble tea at lunch when mum said: “Aimee, you didn’t make it through the XX ballot but you are 23rd on the waiting list.”
I was devastated.
A few days later, knowing that I was disappointed, Grandma skyped us one day and said that her friend Andrea’s son was 50th on the waiting list for XX and he still got in. Grandma told me to keep praying and not lose hope. (But Andrea’s son went to school a few years ago)

Grandma was right. If Andrea’s son was 50th on the waiting list and he got in then I might still get in too since I’m 23rd on the list!
Soon my parents started to enroll me in other schools. I had a choice, I could either go to YY Intermediate or I could go to ZZ Intermediate. Both of my parents wanted me to go to YY Intermediate but I didn’t like YY Intermediate from my school visit so I chose ZZ Intermediate instead. Alot of my friends will also be going to ZZ Intermediate. So from then on whenever someone asked what intermediate I will be going to, I would reply ‘ZZ’ gloomily.
之後朋友問我要去哪一所中學,我就黯淡的回答 “ZZ 中學”
2.5 months later….
I had basically gotten over XX by now. Even though I still really wanted to go there I knew that there was no chance.
29th of November:
Dad received an email and said in a surprising voice: “No way! You got into XX!”
“REALLY??!” I said, running over to my dad’s computer and sure enough it said: ‘we are pleased to inform you that Aimee Chen has been accepted into XX.’ I was over the moon!
我興奮地跑到爸爸的電腦旁邊、看到電郵寫著:‘我們很高興通知你們,我們接受Aimee Chen的入學申請”
That night I praised God for letting me get into XX and made a promise to God that I will study hard and not let this opportunity He has given me go to waste.
What I learned from this:
I learned to not give up on God. Even if things don’t go the way you want them to, you should know that God always has a plan for you.
從這次的經驗,我學習到了:不要輕易放棄 神。就算事情不如我們所計劃的、上帝也有更美好的安排。
“耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。” — 耶利米書 29:11
Mum’s Afterthoughts:
From the start, I wasn’t too worried about the ballot. I had a feeling that God wanted Aimee to learn a lesson of faith through this. But at the same time, I also stressed to Aimee that, whatever the outcome is, we need to learn to obey. God always has the best plan for us.
So even though Aimee didn’t make it through the ballot initially, I still had faith God will show us His faithfulness eventually. Both grandmothers also had the same faith. However, at the same time, I didn’t promise Aimee any outcome, and proceeded with enrolling her for other schools.
In the end, God surprised us with His wonderful act, once again. We can’t be more grateful.
He never fails.
(I thought Aimee’s choice of Bible verse is quite relevant

學校申請一事、媽媽我心裡一直不是太擔心,覺得 神要在這件事情上、要女兒學習信心與依靠的功課。同時、也教導著女兒要學習順服上帝的安排、哪怕是那個安排不盡我們的心意,我們也不要得失心太重。
縱然後來抽籤沒有成功,我心裡始終覺得上帝在這件事上要我們再次經歷 祂、而沒有放棄希望。阿嬤跟外婆也一直抱著此信念。然而,事情尚未成就之前、我也沒有給女兒這樣的承諾,我還是做其他該做的安排、幫女兒申請其他學校。
就在抽籤沒有成功過了很久、我都不把這件事放在心上時,上帝就用意外的方式給我們 祂的驚喜。