Hi everyone, I’m Melody, I’d like to share a little bit of my life experience with you today.
弟兄姐妹平安,我是Melody, 我要在這裡簡短分享個人的生活體驗:
Do you remeber when you were a kid and your mum would tell you off? She would maybe tell you what you need to work on or what you did wrong and she would always state the truth. Those words hurt. Not because they were made up lies But because they were true and you had to face the harsh reality that you did something wrong.
That happens to me all the time. My mum would always tell me off and although I hate to say it, it’s always shaped me into a better person.
When she told me off, I would always try to cancel out her words with wrong thoughts in my head and think of clever comebacks I would be to scared to actually say.
Those thoughts were Satan, preventing me from taking in what my mum was trying to teach me, trying to avoid the truth because truth hurts.
But Jesus is the way the truth and the life, how can we recieve God in our life if distractions are trying to block the us from the truth?
Whether it be wrong thoughts, temptations or even actions to numb the reality.
And the saddest truth of all is we don’t deserve to go to heaven. We’re all sinners but in God’s mercy we are born again, we’re clean.
The bible quoted in Isaiah 55:6 ” Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.”
So why would you let Satan take over your life when God is right there?
以賽亞書55:6說:我們當趁耶和華可尋找的時候尋找他, 相近的時候求告他,因此當神就在身邊時,為什麼要讓撒旦接管你的生活呢?
God is not something to find, he was right there all along, waiting for you to rediscover him.
Christianity is like paint on wood. The more worldly ideas there are, the more layers to the paint and eventually you can’t even see the wood anymore.
But imagine the wood is us, we were originally clean but as our minds pollute, you can’t even see the You that God had made you to be.
As we accept God into our lives, the paint dissolves and strips down and slowly but eventually we can see God work in our lives again.
Today I choose to give my life to Jesus, and I now belong to Jesus with a while new life.
Thank you.