

This is the last chapter of Malachi and the end of the Old Testament. The last message of the Old Testament is very important to the people! 這是《瑪拉基書》的最後一章,也是舊約聖經的終點。所以舊約最後的信息,對百姓們來說格外重要!

活潑的生命讀經進度 – 今日閱讀經文: 《Malachi 4:1~6; 瑪拉基書 4:1~6》

This messenger with the heart and power of Elijah is the pioneer who opened the way for Jesus in the New Testament – John the Baptist. The Father sent Him to lead people to repent and restore good relations through Jesus!


Dear friends,
In the Old Testament, the Father is telling you that He created you. He loves you, guides you, and wants to have an eternal, close relationship with you! Even though we may make mistakes and lose one’s way, He has already prepared grace for us so that we can always find our way home. This grace is Jesus!
