今日閱讀經文:《 哥林多前書 7: 1~16 》

今日閱讀經文:《 哥林多前書 7: 1~16 》

【單身好還是結婚好? 專注的愛最好!】

活潑的生命讀經進度 – 今日閱讀經文:《 哥林多前書 7: 1~16 》

親愛的朋友,保羅這一段的主要目的並不是在恐嚇大家說「婚姻有很多煩惱所以不要結婚」而是要告訴我們:無論是對配偶或是對神,「愛」不是嘴巴說說而已。真正的「愛」,是要全人、全心、全力去付出的喔。所以無論現在的你是單身還是已婚,都鼓勵你專注投入地去愛神、愛你的配偶吧! 相信不管事什麼樣的身份~看重愛的關係,就是蒙神喜悅的兒女


To my dearest friends, 

Paul’s main purpose in this passage is not to scare everyone by saying “marriage has a lot of troubles so don’t get married.” It is telling us that “love” is not just words to our spouse or to God. The real “love” is to give with the whole person, the whole heart, and all the effort. Therefore, whether you are single or married, I encourage you to focus on loving God and loving your spouse! Believe that no matter what your relationship status is,  a relationship that values ​​love is a child who is pleasing to God.