

Good morning. I would like to share my testimony with you. If you don’t know. My name is Sandy.
My first visit to a church was when l was 5, my family took me there, and I participated in their Sunday classes but my understanding of the Gospel and Bible is obscure.

Six years later, my family moved to Christchurch and accompanied a church.
I encountered a small book and a couple of magazines my dad brought from church.
They answered questions I had about God sufficiently and a more robust faith in God.
When my family moved back to Auckland as a year ten student, I attended the Christian Youth Group due to personal interest.
I am glad came because I met people with a heart of gold. They’re one of the friendliest and most caring people I’ve ever met.
My most significant transformation since reading the Bible was during my school years. I tried to stay close to God and persistently attend these weekly bible studies.

These bible scriptures made me explore who I am as a person and provided courage to overcome my inner fears.
Comparatively, I used to be self-conscious about my flaws, and my poor self-image
burdened me from authentically expressing myself.

But now, God’s word made me acknowledge my weaknesses and accept myself bravely.

In addition, I used to rely on websites online to help me find my career. Some of them weren’t reliable.
But after building my relationship with God. I decided to put my faith in him to direct my life.
In my first year, l heard about how God’s plan differs from yours. I also found a bible verse later that helps ease my worries.
“Trust in the Lord, do not lean on your understanding with all your heart. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will straighten your paths.”
By trusting God, he guided me during the darkest moment in my first year of university. Many great things have happened. Passing my driving lesson test on the first try felt like a miracle.

It seems God is preparing me for independence and more experiences in life.
With all respect to God, I decided to get baptized. To declare my obedience to God and wash away the sins l’ve committed.

Thank you for listening


大家好, 今天我想把我的見證分享給你們. 我的名字是Sandy
我第一次被家人帶去教會是在五歲的時候, 當時我也參與了他們的主日學, 那時對於聖經及福音還是懵懵懂懂.

六年過後, 我和家人搬到基督城, 我們有時候也會去教會聚會

我才發現我原本對神的很多問題都在這些書本上找到答案, 自始我開始建立了對神的信心.
在我十年級的時候, 我们一家搬回奧克蘭. 而我則參與了學青團契.

就這樣在高中的幾年下來, 我一直學習讀聖經及堅持每周的查經聚會, 我發現我的人生不再一樣.
神透過祂的話語讓我對自己更多的認識, 祂也鼓勵我, 給我勇氣去面對自己内心的恐懼.
原本我非常在意自己本身的缺點, 如此缺乏自信的我 每次在表達自己時都會感受到重擔.

在過往我經常透過線上的資源來尋找一些關於事業的建議, 但是他們都不盡可靠.
在跟神建立關係後, 我決心要跟隨祂所給我的方向. 全心全意的相信祂.

在大學的第一年, 我從一段經文中學習到, 上帝的計劃跟我們所計劃的不一樣. 而這幫助到我放下心中對未來的憂慮. 這段經文為箴言3:5-6
[你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要
認定祂, 祂必指引你的路.]

就這樣, 上帝在我大學第一年最灰心的日子裡, 他指引了我, 祂使我經歷了很多美好的事物比如說考駕照我竟能一次考到, 這是我想都沒想過的奇蹟.
我想經歷這一切, 上帝是在預備我, 使我更獨立及過更豐盛的人生
我對以上一切上帝帶給我的改變感恩, 因此我決意要受洗禮, 去靠耶穌的寶血洗去我的罪過,更是宣告在未來對上帝的順服