Combodia 短宣行程 Day1

Combodia 短宣行程 Day1

Quick recap. (2018.07.08)

Left Auckland 5:30pm Saturday night, through Gold Coast and Kuala Lumpur, where we had a bible study session at McDonald’s, then arrived in Phnom Penh 7:30am Sunday. Safe and ahead of time.

Joined the Sunday service at the Cana glory community centre, lead by missionary Marian Lee. Had lunch where she shared her testimony about coming to Cambodia from Los Angeles, and about purposes of this ministry, and the local situation affecting families in Phnom Penh.

Spent an hour in the afternoon with the few children who spend many hours a day at the centre just hanging out, playing games and getting to know them.

This sets the stage for us to start our children’s camp tomorrow.  By  Allen


快速回顾一下 (2018.07.08)

星期六晚上5:30离开奥克兰,经过黄金海岸和吉隆坡,我们在麦当劳进行了圣经学习,然后于周日上午7:30抵达金边。 安全地提前抵达。

加入了Cana荣耀社区中心的主日敬拜,由传教士Marian Lee领导。 在午餐时,她分享了她从洛杉矶来到柬埔寨的见证,以及这个事工的目的,以及影响金边家庭的当地情况。


这为我们明天开始儿童营的舞台奠定了基础。By  Allen