Cambodia短宣隊 Day 4

Cambodia短宣隊 Day 4

2018.07.11 Day 4 回顧


我們今天早上比前幾天晚了十五分鐘開始吃早飯、查經。今早 神給我們預備了兩個驚喜:第一,短宣隊的團員們都提早抵達餐廳,按著各自的進度讀著聖經。 第二:神差派了國際關懷協會當地的傳教士Marian來和我們一同享用早餐及查經,同時也與我們分享她對迦拿榮耀社區中心的異象。 神如此奇妙的安排讓我們今天一整天都能夠時時刻刻定睛仰望、倚靠 神。




下午三點半,我們彼此預備心、禱告,準備下午的聖經營。我們先帶孩子們玩一個簡單的破冰遊戲,緊接著繼續讀Stephen Lungu牧師的故事,也講到他是如何藉著福音的大能認罪悔改。接下來我們給孩子們一個各自向 神禱告的機會,教導他們如何藉著禱告更多的認識 神。我們看到這群孩子們用很尊敬的態度來看待這次禱告:每個孩子都靜下心來、閉著眼睛一起禱告。這對我們來說真的是非常大的鼓勵!




今天又是個忙碌的一天。雖然服事方面還有進步的空間,但整體上來說各個活動的環節都按照我們所預期的進行。特別需要弟兄姊妹們為我們代禱的是:短宣隊的團員們都因水土不服而腸胃不適,尤其Olivia的症狀特別嚴重 – 除了不舒服之外還有嘔吐的症狀,甚至無法適時地補充水分。親愛的弟兄姊妹們,請為我們的身體健康、我們的信心禱告!願 神透過這些經歷讓我們信心更加堅定,親眼看見 神的作為在我們當中,好讓我們能夠完成這次短宣的使命!


翻譯 by 芳芳


Daily diary of the Cambodia short missionary trip (2018.07.11)


We had a later start today at 7:45am instead of 7:30am for breakfast and bible studies. God, however, brought two surprises. Firstly, everyone was eager to study the bible, showing up well before breakfast time to read according to their own schedule. Secondly, the local CMI missionary Marian came to join us for breakfast, sharing about her visions for Cana glory community centre, and also our bible study! All these things happened to focus our attention on God and God only for the entire day.


Today’s morning schedule was not sight seeing, but visiting two families whose children attend the Cana glory community centre. We were privileged to be welcomed into their homes, to be trusted to hear them speak about their daily lives and challenges. We were most of all overjoyed for them to accept our prayers for their families.


In the late morning we went to the Toul Tom Poung Russian market, a great place to shop for unique local souvenirs.


At 3:30pm, after practice and prayer, our afternoons children’s camp again started. We had a small game/competition to kick us off and get everyone loose. We later continued with Stephen Lungu’s biography, speaking about his repented life. Again introducing the powerful forces of the gospel for the children to see. This ended in an opportunity for them to pray to God themselves, to perhaps ask God to help them get to know God better. All this with the background music playing. We are encouraged to see the children all respecting the moment, keeping silent and keeping their eyes closed. For the few older children this was perhaps genuine prayer. The afternoon finished


After our hard work today, we were fortunate enough to be treated by the CMI staff TK also our tour guide to his lovely cooking as dinner.


Overall today was another jammed packed today. Despite some imperfections, everything went as well and positive as we could’ve hoped for.


However with all our triumphs we can’t help but to see our ailing teammates. Most of us now are suffering minor gut symptoms and Olivia in particular has shown symptoms of vomiting and is therefore struggling to keep even fluids down.


Our dear members, please pray for our health, please pray for our faith, and let us all, through this experience see God’s doings and add to our faith in Christ. This is so that we can complete this work He as given us.

Thank you                                                                                                                                   By Allen