Cambodia 短宣隊 Day5

Cambodia 短宣隊 Day5

2018.07.12 Day 5

今早我們再次聚集在旅館頂樓的全景餐廳。今天是個大晴天,但有足夠的雲跟微風,讓我們不至於感到太熱。我們的一天就在如此美麗的早晨中展開,也很高興地看到昨晚因上吐下瀉而臥床休息的Olivia今早身體好多了,能夠一起加入我們的查經。今天我們繼續查約翰福音14章1-14節,讀到門徒們對耶穌所提出的疑問:“主啊,我們不知道你往哪裏去,怎麼知道那條路呢?”而耶穌回答:“我就是道路、真理、生命。”(阿門!)這段經節的最後,耶穌給了我們一個寶貴的應許:“你們奉我的名無論求什麼,我必成就,叫父因兒子得榮耀”並且藉著禱告“要做比這更大的事”。因此我們到 神面前,不能靠著自己禱告,而是應當奉靠耶穌基督的名禱告、在主裡面禱告。這樣的禱告才能蒙神垂聽。 神不僅垂聽我們的禱告(Olivia的身體健康、短宣事工各樣代禱事項),更在今早為我們預備如此豐盛的靈糧,使我們一整天都能在 神的話語中得著供應。




下午的聖經營首先由Mandy、Tommy以及Olivia為我們示範一首很特別的、在黑暗中跳的螢光棒舞。孩子們都看得津津有味,也在看過我們示範之後學會怎麼跳這個舞。之後Mandy帶我們讀Stephen Lungu牧師的故事:今天講到他是如何在基督裡成長,以及他是如何經歷禱告蒙 神應許。最後我們帶著孩子們一起向 神禱告。今天很幸運地有14個孩子來參加我們的聖經營,我們也趁這個機會與孩子們拍團體照留念。


柬埔寨短宣行程已過一半,感謝恩道會的各位為我們禱告,尤其是為了短宣隊各團員的身體健康禱告。我們的身體狀況都已經好多了。今天所遇到的挑戰是如何帶領注意力不集中的孩子們,我們也在團隊中一起討論如何勝過這些挑戰,以及如何在短宣事工上做得更好。請為我們下半段的短宣事工禱告,我們目前所經歷的已經超乎我們所求所想!願 神帶領我們經歷祂更大、更美好的作為,在一切所行的事上都將榮耀歸於 神。阿門!

翻譯 by 芳芳




Summary for 12/7/18 day 5


Again our day started with everyone gathering in the hotel restaurant, the top level of the building with panoramic views. Again we woke up to a beautiful day, bright with the sun, but with enough cloud and wind to give us comfort. This is the scene for our lovely breakfast and bible study routine. And we were glad to find our teammate Olivia who was bed stricken last night with vomiting and nausea, much brighter and able to join our session. Today we continued on our study in the book of John 14:1-14, where we read the famous verse ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’ (AMEN), in response to the question from his disciples (and to us) “where will Jesus be going, and how do get there as well?”. The passage also ends with an incredible teaching and promise from Jesus about prayer. “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified” and “they will do greater things than these” with the power of prayer. This is the food the furled our day, especially after experiencing answered prayer, in Olivia’s health and many others.


The river side, palace tour was a swift one, checking them off the bucket list, where we were able to see their Hinduism/Buddhism inspired architecture up close. Late morning was spent at the central market with its beautiful French colonial design, there we were able to find further souvenirs and local produce, and appreciate their hand crafted goods.


The afternoon kicked off with a eye opening performance lead by Mandy, including tommy and Olivia. The dance was unique because it was performed in the dark with glow sticks. After the performance, having grabbed the children’s attention, we were able to teach the kids how to replicate this dance routine. Mandy followed the dance session with the story of Stephen Lungu, today speaking about his growth as a Christian, and how he experienced the Lord with answered prayers. We closed asking the children to again pray together to the Lord. Today we were again fortunate to have full attendance! 14 people in total. And we used the opportunity to have a nice group photo.


Today marks the half way mark of our trip. Thank you to the NZCCC who have prayed for our trip and progress so far, especially for all our health. We are all in a much better place physically. Even today had some challenges keeping the children’s attention, we were able to overcome these together as a team, discuss what improvements we can make, and improve on what we have already done. Please pray that the second half of our trip is GREATER than the already overwhelmingly wonderful experiences we’ve had. All for the glory of the Father. Amen.

By Allen