Cambodia 短宣隊 Day6

Cambodia 短宣隊 Day6

2018.07.13 Day 6

今天依舊在美好的早晨中展開,但很不幸的Irene也開始有嘔吐的症狀。雖然如此,她依然渴慕與 神親近,一早就加入我們的查經。今天的經節是約翰福音14章15-24節。雖然因為時間的因素我們沒能討論完今天的經節,但我們學到就算耶穌當時為了要完成 神的計畫而離開信徒們,我們也不需懼怕,因為 神已賜下聖靈保惠師永遠與我們同在。聖靈乃是基督的化身,當我們軟弱、灰心的時候,聖靈就是我們的幫助者、帶領者,一直伴隨著我們。


今早我們探訪了兩個家庭。第一位探訪的對象是住在迦拿社區中心附近的謝奶奶,也是1970年代赤柬屠殺的倖存者之一。我們親眼看見如此殘暴的共產政權在受害者的心中所留下不可抹滅的傷痕,他們劫後餘生的惡夢在暴政結後束的幾十年仍然揮之不去。我們也更深刻的體會到向未得之民傳福音是多麼重要的一件事,因為唯有 神的愛、恩典及真理才能夠真正撫平柬埔寨那充滿痛苦與絕望的世代傷痕。


我們第二位探訪的對象是迦拿社區中心三位 “問題兒童”的父母。透過與他們的交通,我們了解到在如此艱苦的大環境中要養育小孩是多麼辛苦的一件事。孩子們的父母也表示,小孩在開始參加迦拿社區中心的活動之後有了很大的轉變,變得更有禮貌、更少吵架、也比較少講髒話。我們深信是 神親自改變了這三個孩子,也親自更新了他們的生命。




下午,我們很高興看到Irene加入今天在迦拿社區中心的活動。 為了克服語言上的隔閡,在國際關懷協會同工的建議下,我們今天決定用音樂來服事。我們教導孩子們如何手工製作樂器,也教他們如何用這些樂器演奏兒童詩歌。孩子們都非常投入,我們也在他們的歡笑聲中結束今天的服事。




感謝 神,今天是星期五,而星期五總是讓人心情不自覺地輕鬆起來。我們仍然需要弟兄姊妹們為我們的身心靈禱告,尤其為了Irene的身體健康代禱。我們也需要為Casie今天一個人從金邊回到奧克蘭的旅程禱告,願 神保守她一路的平安,讓新學期有個好的開始。請為我們在柬埔寨最後兩天的事工代禱,願 神透過我們,讓祂永恆不變的愛留在這群孩子們的心中。


翻譯 by 芳芳


Summary for 13/7/18 day 6

Uploads from Amy, Olivia, tommy and myself: events from today


Another beautiful morning, another lovely morning gathering to start the day. Today however we found Irene now suffering nausea and vomiting like Olivia did the other day. However her will to participate in our bible study demonstrated her desire for the Word. Today’s passage was from John 14:15-24, due to time we were able to finish our discussions, but we did learn that, while the disciples were troubled (by the thought of Jesus leaving) we could have comfort in the great comforter in the Holy Spirit.


We visited two homes this morning. The first is grandma hsieh from 2 doors down, a survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime. We saw face to face the fearful and deep sorrow that the tragedy still does elicit even decades down the track. This experience allowed us feel the desperate for our gospel, which brings peace love and joy, to comfort people’s hearts.


The second house was to visit the parents of the 3 ‘problem children’ who come to the centre. We learnt direct from the mother the difficulties of raising children in such an economic environment. It is amazing to hear about their past and how the children have changed, and the parents have certainly taken notice. By the end of the visit, we were certain that the 3 children and their change was God’s way of revealing His transforming powers.


Late morning was spent at the Orussey market, a small district with a large Chinese Cambodian population. We spent time not in the market but around the market. This is where Cana would like to expand the ministry to, making use of the common language. It was good to have seen the vision of Marian the missionary.


We were glad to see the return of Irene for the afternoon children’s camp session. Today was a short session where (after some feedback by the CMI staff) we used music to break the language barrier. The children’s tasks were to make a musical instrument, and later to perform with these instruments within children’s bible songs. Indeed everyone took part and applied themselves to this task, and we left the place with our ears ringing.


This contrasted our Mekong river boat ride in the cool evening. We spent about 1 hour on a boat pacing up and down the river. The water was calm and the atmosphere quiet. It allowed us to really just relax, to chat and to enjoy this land.


Thank God It’s Friday. Fridays always come with a light mood and today was no different. Praise Him. However we do still do need your prayers, for our teammate Irene to return to full health. Casie will also be travelling from Phnom Penh to Auckland from tomorrow afternoon to start the new semester, so if we can have your prayers for her safety while travelling alone that’ll be greatly appreciated. Also if brothers and sisters could pray that our last two days really go well, and that we leave a lasting impression of God’s love on these children. Thank you.

By Allen