Cambodia 短宣隊 Day7

Cambodia 短宣隊 Day7

2018.07.14 Day 7

今天很高興看到Irene的身體比昨天好多了。儘管Irene的頭還是有點痛 ,她仍然願意參與我們今天一整天的行程。今早查經的內容是約翰福音14章15-31:父神、耶穌與聖靈是三位一體的; 人若愛耶穌、遵守祂的道,祂必向父神求聖靈保惠師住在信徒的裡面,作我們永恆的幫助、永遠與我們同在。


今天是週六,除了下午的事工之外我們也負責早上在迦拿社區中心的活動。早上Tommy先帶領大家繼續讀Stephen Lungu牧師的故事,接著我們教孩子們製作手工相框。孩子們都很喜歡今天的手工藝活動,也各自將相框帶回家做紀念。


接著我們先送Casie去機場搭飛機回奧克蘭,然後開始下午的服事。有趣的是,今天參加下午活動的孩子們跟早上的不太一樣。首先Olivia用生動活潑的方式帶我們讀完Stephen Lungu牧師的故事,接著由Mandy帶我們再跳一次螢光棒舞。跳舞練習結束之後,孩子們都能夠自己完整地跳完這支舞,甚至在最後加入自創的舞蹈。活動結束後我們還有些時間,於是決定讓參加下午活動的孩子們也參與製作手工相框。


一如往常地,在今天服事的尾聲我們與迦拿社區中心的Marian傳教士以及國際關懷協會的同工TK一同檢討今天的事工。感謝 神,迦拿社區中心的同工們甚至問我們什麼時候要回來服事,這對我們來說是多麼大的鼓舞!很高興他們也能感受到我們對於這次柬埔寨短宣的熱誠,也在配搭的過程當中同心合意地興旺福音。若 神允許,恩道會的宣教隊伍將再次回到迦拿榮耀社區中心一同事奉!

翻譯 By 芳芳


Summary for 14/7/18 day 7

We were happy to see our teammate Irene feeing better. Although still bothered by a headache, she was able to join us for the whole day. Today’s passage was from John 14:15-31 wrapping up how in a few sentences, Jesus described himself not only as himself on earth, but as part of the holy trinity. The trinity and its presence, represented by the Holy Spirit, would also be granted to those that love Jesus and obey His words. This is the comfort that comes from above, a comfort that is unparalleled in this world, and a comfort that is forever.


On this Saturday, we were glad to have hosted two sessions of our bible camp. We kicked things off with Tommy’s segment of the real life story of Stephen Lungu. Following this we had a handcraft session decorating a phot frame with prints. This is something the kids really enjoyed, and something they can keep.


We sent casie off right before the afternoon session.


In the afternoon session, interestingly the children that came were largely different from the morning. Olivia wrapped up the story of Stephen in vivid and animated fashion. Later Mandy led another glow stick dance session, and this time we polished up the dance routine, and when practice was done, the children were able to light up he glow sticks and perform the routine in full. They even followed this with some freestyle dancing. 🙂 there was still time, so we were able to let the afternoon session participants make a photo frame as well.


As usual we were able to wrap up the day with discussions and conversations over dinner with the Cana staff including Marian the missionary, as well as TK our guide from CMI. A truly thankful thing that came up was that the Cana staff asked us when we are coming back! How encouraged that they felt the same connection and positivity and of course passion for our short mission! And yes! The Lord willing, the NZCCC and the Cana centre will be back!

By Allen