Cambodia 短宣隊 Day8

Cambodia 短宣隊 Day8

2018.07.15 Day 8

今早的查經由迦拿榮耀社區中心的Marian宣教士帶領我們讀使徒行傳10章9-23節。Irene雖然身體不適,卻仍然願意加入今早的查經。我們讀到使徒彼得是如何夢見 神所給他的異象,並順服 神在異象中給他的吩咐,到羅馬軍官 – 百夫長哥尼流的家中。我們也見證了 神是如何公義:祂拯救猶太人,但也不偏待外邦人,而向外邦人擴展福音的工作乃是從義大利人哥尼流一家接受福音開始的。神的心意是要藉著福音來得著一切的人,並不單是為某一族類的人。


Marian將使徒行傳這段經文與約拿書做對比,比較彼得是如何順服 神的旨意,而約拿卻是如何違背 神。她也將自己成為宣教士的生命見證與彼得、約拿做比較。這段經文教導我們應當學習彼得順服 神,當 神向我們啟示祂的心意時,我們也應當回應 神的呼召。若我們沒有適時地回應 神,聖靈也會催促我們行動,好讓 神在我們身上作工。Marian放棄原有的一切、堅定委身基督的見證深深地感動了我們。她也與我們分享 神給她的負擔與異象:透過迦拿榮耀社區中心接觸周圍的本地居民,特別是透過教育課程與孩子們建立友誼,進而將福音帶給當地孩子們及他們的家庭。我們已在迦拿社區中心其中一位比較調皮的孩子Heab Ly Uy及他的家人身上看見這樣的生命轉變。迦拿榮耀社區中心自從創辦以來已穩定成長許多,但仍然有教材、經費上的需要,也需要更多短宣、中宣的配搭事奉。


查經結束後,我們開始今天的主日崇拜。我們很榮幸地能夠帶領今早的敬拜讚美,用樂器來配搭事奉 – 而樂器事奉正是迦拿社區中心所缺乏的。主日證道一如往常地由Marian帶領,今天的信息來自以西結書37章。


用過午餐後,我們開始這次短宣聖經營的最後一個活動。首先我們帶孩子們玩Musical chairs(類似“大風吹”的遊戲),接著是繪畫時間。我們請孩子們畫出這次讀Stephen Lungu牧師的故事最讓他們印象深刻的地方,然後將這些話貼在牆壁上,就變成了Stephen Lungu牧師生平故事的壁畫。在離開迦拿榮耀社區中心之前,我們準備了小禮物要送給孩子們做紀念。我們從紐西蘭帶了彩色筆、洋芋片、蜂蜜跟鑰匙圈送給孩子們,當然也沒忘記要帶禮物給迦拿社區中心的同工們。最後我們用禱告結束今天的聚會,感謝 神的祝福與恩惠。讓人感動的是,在離開迦拿榮耀社區中心以前,孩子們特地向我們道謝,也給了我們大大的擁抱。他們甚至還問我們什麼時候要回去呢!這對我們的短宣來說是多麼美好的見證!


我們深信是 神呼召、親自差派我們每一個人來柬埔寨進行這次短宣,也相信這一路 神都與我們同在。我們相信短宣的每一天,聖靈都在我們每個人裡面作工,也相信耶穌基督的福音能夠勝過這世上的一切。我們因此也深信,在這次的短宣過程當中,神已透過我們每一位同工大大地彰顯祂的作為。

一切榮耀都歸於 神。阿門!

翻譯 By 芳芳



Summary for 15/7/18 day 8

Rather than spending the morning doing bible study amongst ourselves, today we joined a bible study session lead by the missionary Marian. Even though Irene was still unwell, she joined us for the session.


We studied the book of Acts 10:9-23, when the apostle Peter dreamt and followed the vision put forth by God, to visit Cornelius a gentile believer, beginning the process of believing that God chose Gentiles as well as Jews for the gospel. She contrasted this passage with Jonah of the Old Testament. The contrast is that Peter followed the will of God but Jonah didn’t. She contrasted her own life and the decision to become a missionary with both Peter and Jonah. The lesson of course is that we ought to be peter, and in our obedience respond to our calling, otherwise the Lord will drag you to respond anyway. We were also very touched by how she could dedicate herself to the Lord giving up everything she had and knew, and of course very inspired by this vision at the Cana centre, and that is to revive this nation with this generation, through education yes, but of course through the gospel of Jesus. This is already happening to one of the naughty kids Heab Ly Uy and his brother and his family. But as far as they’ve come in 2 years, there is still much work to be done! They need assistance not just from a short missionary team, but I’m sure from funds, from prayer, and just maybe another missionary.


The Sunday service then immediately followed. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to lead the praise and worship, brining live musical instruments to the Sunday service, something Cana has not had. This got us off to a great start, to then receive Marian’s message from Ezekiel 37.


After lunch, we had the final session of the bible camp. We brought the kids attention together with a fun game of musical chairs. Then was the final drawing session, where they could draw their most memorable moments of the story of Stephen Lungu, and the drawings together collectively in sequence made a story telling mural. We couldn’t leave without giving something for the kids to remember us physically. We presented the gifts from NZ of colouring pens, chippies, honey and a key ring. We didn’t of course forget about the Cana staff, and they got a gift each as well. All this concluded in a prayer of thanks giving and blessing. What we received later, a pleasant and emotional surprise to us all, was a shower of thanks and hugs from the kids. They all asked us when we were coming back again! This was a true testament of our work.


We trust that the Lord gave us this mission. We trust that the Lord was with us during this mission. We trust that the Holy Spirit worked through us every moment of every day. We trust in the transcending message of the Holy son. We trust therefore that we God the Father be glorified. Amen

By Allen